By Dr. Anju Sodhi (BAMS, ND)

Amaranth Cereal



  1. Sauté amaranths slightly with or without ghee or coconut oil in a hot pan on low heat for 3 – 5 minutes, amaranth should not burn. 
  2. Add water and cook on low heat for 10 to 15 min
  3. Once amaranth is cooked, add nuts and coconut milk 
  4. To sweeten cereal, add fresh fruit, raisins, dates, agave, or jiggery to taste
  5. Serve 
cilantro chutney
Summer squash with horse gram

Summer squash with horse gram

By Dr. Anju Sodhi (BAMS, ND) Summer squash with horse gram Makes 4 servings Horse gram is like a lentil bean that is packed with protein. Easily digestible after soaking, these beans are great for the urinary health. Ingredients ¾ cup horse gram beans 6 cloves of...

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Saffron Tapioca Pudding

Saffron Tapioca Pudding

Saffron is a prime herb in Ayurveda. Though it is excellent in balancing all doshas, it tames Vata during fall in a magical way. Tapioca helps with detoxification and reduces Vata qualities of dry, rough, and cold.

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Gingered Carrots (Side Dish)

Gingered Carrots (Side Dish)

This accompanying dish provides a delicious health side to meals. Sweetness combats the Vata quality of dry in the air while giving digestion a boost. Ginger helps with digestion while ghee adds necessary fat to the body.

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